Libertarian activist makes DHS say uncle. But the marshals won’t change.
Primary Sources for USA vs George Donnelly
As promised, here are my primary sources for the short film United States of America vs George Donnelly: How US Marshals Framed a Peaceful Photographer. I apologize for the delay. I’m working on getting even more information and hope to release it soon. Here is the raw video footage from my Canon camera. It is […]
What happened to those trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve printed during the financial crisis? Why aren’t they causing mass inflation? Robert Murphy of has an answer. Banks are using them to buy US government bonds. Gonzalo Lira explains this in Stealth Monetization. Has the federal state captured the printing presses? It seems that […]
Somalia is not a libertarian utopia. Find out what is.
Ian Freeman and other Free Keene activists were arrested for peacefully assembling on state-owned property in Cheshire county, New Hampshire. Ian is facing almost a month in jail for trespassing on public property. How did this happen? It’s a new jail and the warden feels the need to keep his perimeter secure. Protesters intimidate visitors, […]
How are we libertarians going to counter the continuing march towards complete societal lockdown? In the news, we find that the US state is tightening its grip on the internet. Cops can put a GPS tracker on your car without a warrant. Naked body scanners have flown out of the airports and are now in […]
The FSP claims to be a decentralized organization. It’s not.
I like this op. Activists projected a short film about FBI misdeeds on the FBI’s headquarters in Washington! Beautiful. That took some guts and I am glad they did it. What did these folks accomplish? I can’t be sure but at least they made an effort. They took a valiant stand against a multinational crime […]
Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.
In the Albany Times Union, columnist Mark Dalton argues that libertarian control of the government would result in chaos. As right-wing libertarians rolled back state regulation agencies, no one would be left to protect the consumer. Individuals’ only recourse would be to sue. Sue they would, resulting in overflowing courts. Although Dalton doesn’t mention it, […]