Yeah, about that move to New Hampshire to join other Free State Project members – it didn’t work out. I conducted a search from afar using Craigslist, several realtors, the MLS, word of mouth and other websites. I didn’t find much that might work for us. My Requirements for rent, no way I am sinking […]
Tag: Free State Project
I am proud of the Not-So-Disorderly Seven. I am proud of Sam Dodson and the whole Keene crew. I am so proud to be able to say that soon I will join them in defending the nonviolent society and exposing the fraud that goes by the name of “The Government”. And here’s why: Sam followed […]
A friend of mine who recently turned on to liberty and the voluntary society wrote to ask me about the “Not-So-Disorderly Seven” that were arrested or given summons yesterday at Keene NH district court. The Keeniacs have so much going on that his confusion is understandable! Can you give a little background on where this […]
Keene NH activist and Free State Project early mover Sam Dodson was arrested this morning for violating the ban on videotaping in the lobby at Keene District Court before fellow videographer Dave Ridley’s arraignment for the same offense. Activists Targeted for Summons Mr Dodson refused to cooperate in his arrest and police dragged him into […]
Dave Ridley – star of The Ridley Report and Free State Project early mover – makes a passionate plea for less concern with self-defense and more non-violent activism in the above video. Anti-government violence just strengthens the government, he says, so instead of preparing for violent conflict we should instead use media to seek more […]
Liberty-lovers moving to New Hampshire with the Free State Project were busy this week producing TV and radio shows, organizing the annual Porcupine Freedom Festival (June 25-28) and much more. If you’re on Facebook, fan the Free State Project to get regular updates on your Facebook homepage. Three IT jobs in NH listed at the […]
Over at the Free State Project Professional Networking Group (at LinkedIn) we’re talking about how to foment more opportunities for early movers to make money. One gentleman had this idea (see below). And we’re looking for ideas, comments, feedback – anything that might come to mind. Thanks! I’m looking for some funding to make some […]
Patrick and Sam do a great job of explaining to the Keene, NH city council the error of their ways in this six-minute YouTube video. It took a lot of courage for them to stand up and speak their mind in front of people who will obviously take great offense and most likely even misunderstand […]
Sounding Off at the FSP Liberty Forum
Here I am sounding off at the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum March 8th. I read my parody of the Facebook TOS controversy. Big thanks to whoever recorded this – my family’s getting a kick out of it.
Liberty, today, is like yarn. Many disregard it as obsolete, irrelevant and generally uninteresting. But not in New Hampshire. At the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum in Nashua, NH this past weekend, I found intelligent, personable and dedicated libertarians who practice what they preach by having uprooted themselves and moved to New Hampshire to work […]