To love it would be a lie, to leave it is impossible.

To love it would be a lie, to leave it is impossible.
Can you feel it? The visceral longing to join the lady in this picture, to back her up, to help her, to save her. As hordes of destroyers descend on her home in some dusty corner of Asia, all she has left is her ability to resist. It doesn’t matter to her that she is […]
I found this video, and some further thoughts, over at The Peaceable Kingdom. Libertarians expend a lot of energy hating the state and its aggressive agents, but how often do we try to love them? Remember, we’re not going to win this with violence. We’ll win this with self-improvement, education, empathy and counter-economics, among other […]
Nonviolence, argues Dr Michael Nagler in the above talk (well worth its 46 minutes), always makes things better, even when we who practice it get hurt or killed. I have to agree. For the more skeptical, think of it this way: at least it’s not making things worse. Consider this: in India, where nonviolent resistance […]
After my move to New Hampshire fell through, I thought, why don’t I just do here what I planned to do in the free state? I considered all those people that are in the same boat as me – aching to work effectively towards liberty but lacking like-minded comrades and, in some cases, even an […]
The best way to learn Spanish is to spend time in a Spanish-speaking country – and fall in love.