Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is restitution preferable to retribution? Why or why not?” An arrangement for the resolution of disputes that focuses on restitution is more effective than one that makes as its goal the […]
Tag: Stateless U
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “In what way or ways would it be most difficult for insurance companies to function successfully as sources of justice and defense against aggression?” I don’t think insurance companies can function […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I watched and critiqued Roderick Long’s talk “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics.” [See above.] In “Foundations of Libertarian Ethics,” Roderick Long deftly refutes Lockean and Randian critiques of anarchy, using these same critiques against themselves in support of market anarchy. Long also evaluates strategies for achieving the stateless […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I read and critiqued Chapter 12 (“The Public Sector, III: Police, Law, and the Courts”) of Murray Rothbard’s “For a New Liberty“. [PDF] In Chapter 12 of “For a New Liberty,” Murray Rothbard makes a less compelling case for market-based defense and dispute resolution than, for example, […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is taxation theft? Why or why not?” Taxation is theft because it is the use of aggression to deny another person their property. It doesn’t matter what their property is to […]

The market can handle law too. Here’s how.
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “To what extent and in what ways, if any, does government exhibit the problems typical of other monopolies?” Governments manifest many problems that are typical of coercive monopolies. Governments use force […]
Hazle Township, Pennsylvania supervisors have declared war on yard sales. They say too many local residents are holding too many yard sales too often. So they’ve rolled out new limits for budding entrepreneurs who use their own property to freely associate and trade with their fellow human beings. Those wishing to hold a yard sale […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I read and critiqued “Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy? [PDF]” In “Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy?”, Alfred G. Cuzan argues that society is always in anarchy, and we don’t escape it just because a government is declared to be in existence. […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I read and critiqued “No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority.” In “No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority,” Lysander Spooner convincingly argues that the United States constitution can not possibly be said to have a binding effect on anyone, be they signers of the document, those […]