Libertarian Opinion

A Brilliant, Rhyming Call to Action

I think you’ll like this. Give it a listen.

Libertarian Opinion

Colin Powell: The Federal Prison System is Just as Rigged as Gitmo But Without the Stigma

I remember the media circus around Colin Powell possibly running for president and what party he would choose. The media built him up as the non-partisan military man of honor who was going to save us. What a joke. He disgraced himself with his lying Iraq war sales pitch but now he’s back actually speaking […]

Libertarian Opinion

What is Aggression? How can We Distinguish Between Aggression and Other Kinds of Undesirable Influence?

Stateless U at C4SS is very stimulating. They’ve got me reading and writing more than ever. I’m really enjoying it and I’m learning a lot. Their courses are very well done, innovative in fact, inexpensive and I encourage everyone to expand your knowledge of liberty with this warm group of well-educated libertarians. Here’s my first […]


War is Over – If You Stop Supporting the Troops

The wars can be over and done with, but only if you stop supporting the troops, says war resister Matthis Chiroux. Watch his moving speech about ending these disgusting outrages that are american wars of aggression and genocide. Matthis argues that the troops are committing these genocides because they think they have our support. Notice […]


Why Fully Informed Jury Members are so Important

Jim Allen succinctly explains the history and importance of jury nullification and fully informed jurors in this five-minute video. Definitely worth a look. The jury’s power to judge the law as well as the facts freed slaves and helped roll back the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920’s.

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Trenton Marshals Interrogate Jury Rights Advocates; Hundreds of Pamphlets Distributed

This week Julian Heicklen is expanding his jury rights pamphleteering tour to New Jersey, multiple locations in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Today Jim Babb and I joined him at the federal district courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey. We were only minimally hassled and managed to hand out 200 pamphlets before we retired to lunch. Tomorrow we’ll […]

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Jury Rights Advocates Hand Out 250 Pamphlets, Stand Up to Violent Federal Security Guards

Our pamphleteering got off to a quiet start yesterday. Not one of the 17 state officers that poked and prodded us three weeks ago was visible. Apparently a memo came down ordering them to tolerate our peaceful public education effort. Our numbers increased to nine and veteran activists Julian Heicklen and Jim Babb brought more […]


What’s in Your Bill of Responsibilities?

Talking about your rights doesn’t resonate. Shift the paradigm.

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Despite Threats, Activists Inform Jurors

Activists educate. Thugs intimidate. Find out who wins.

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Armed Liberty Lovers Liberate Locality from Litter

Armed liberty lovers from around the Delaware Valley met up at Plymouth township’s Bicentennial Park to pick up litter and chew the fat. In all 17 good folks attended. Every one had a grand time, lots of litter was picked up and even the next generation got to compare notes. Check out the above video […]