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Self-Defense for Activists

How do you stay safe when engaging in activism? We want to stand up for our principles. We want to make a statement. We want our voices to be heard. We want to influence our world so that we can eventually leave it better than we found it. And we want to do that without violence. But we don’t want to get our necks broken in the process.

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The FBI Wants to Infiltrate the Free State Project

An FBI agent with the New Hampshire Joint Terrorism Task Force is recruiting activists to inform on Free State Project members. That’s what activist Pete Eyre says in the above video, released by Cop Block yesterday. Keene police brought marijuana activist Rich Paul to an interrogation room yesterday where FBI agent Phil Christiana asked him […]


Free Keene Gets TV Coverage

Ask me how you can get coverage for your liberty activism too.

Agorism Libertarian

The Free State Project is for Anarchists, Too

Are you a libertarian anarchist swept up in Free State Project hype? Can’t get your head around “Free State” being an oxymoron but still want in on all that FSP fun? Don’t sweat it. The FSP isn’t just for minarchists anymore. It’s also ripe for anarchist co-option. Fertile Ground Many, if not most, FSP members […]


An Early Plan for Open Source Peaceful Evolution

When does the banditry of government end? How do we get our lives back? In traditional voluntaryist fashion, I’m convinced we need to liberate 6 billion minds worldwide simultaneously. But pure educational efforts are not enough. We have to live our principles, as exemplified in agorism. We need an organizational model that is resilient, efficient […]


Is it Moral to Use Assets Brought into Existence by Aggression?

Is it morally acceptable to use assets that result from aggression? I’m talking about things paid for by taxes or caused to come into existence by government regulations. That’s the question I debated with Ian of Free Keene yesterday (starting at comment #81912). Ian argued that things like cable-access channels and public squares exist and […]

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Ian of Keene Leads the Way to Peaceful Evolution

Here is an op that appears to be entirely consistent with the peaceful evolution concept I talked about a couple days ago. The little dictators dba The Government in Keene, NH demanded that Ian Freeman (of Free Talk Live) pay them $2,700 FRN for the privilege of continued possession of his house. Leveraging the Robbery […]

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Press Release: Exercising Right to Remain Silent Lands Video Journalist in Jail Indefinitely

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UPDATE May 1: Here is the final release. Please use this one. Download the PDF version of Press Release: Exercising Right to Remain Silent Lands Video Journalist in Jail Indefinitely here. Keene, N.H., April 30, 2009 – Video journalists in Iran aren’t the only ones at risk for due process violations. That’s […]


8 Reasons Why I Admire Sam Dodson and the Not-So-Disorderly Keene Seven Activists

I am proud of the Not-So-Disorderly Seven. I am proud of Sam Dodson and the whole Keene crew. I am so proud to be able to say that soon I will join them in defending the nonviolent society and exposing the fraud that goes by the name of “The Government”. And here’s why: Sam followed […]


Background on the “Not-So-Disorderly Seven”‘s April 13 2009 Keene NH Arrests

A friend of mine who recently turned on to liberty and the voluntary society wrote to ask me about the “Not-So-Disorderly Seven” that were arrested or given summons yesterday at Keene NH district court. The Keeniacs have so much going on that his confusion is understandable! Can you give a little background on where this […]