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After the Free State Project

Now that the Free State Project is done, it’s time to think about the next migration project. Because the FSP got a lot of things wrong and there are many more libertarians out there who can be activated, organized and led to great ends.

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Libertarians Really Should Go Back to Somalia

What if I had a strategy for establishing an ordered, stateless libertarian zone on some of the best real estate in the world? Are you interested? What are you willing to do to realize such a vision?


Free State Project To Reach Goal of 20,000 Signers by Late 2016

The Free State Project will likely reach its signup goal of 20,000 libertarians by next year, but its ultimate goal of moving those participants to New Hampshire could take another 15 years. Even then, FSP-related migrations will be dwarfed by other migrants.

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PorcFest Will be Raided. Prepare Now.

PorcFest will be raided by a combined local, state and federal police force some time in the next three years. Start preparing for this eventuality now. Take PorcFest a step further. Inject more leadership, long-range planning and on-the-ground organization into it. Do it now, before it’s too late.


4 Reasons Why PorcFest is Alive and Kicking

In a recent video entitled “R.I.P. PorcFest,” libertarian tax protestor, author and commentator Larken Rose suggests that the Free State Project’s (FSP) annual Porcupine Freedom Festival (PorcFest) may be “dead” because, he says, the FSP Board of Directors (FSP, inc.) is attempting to limit what topics attendees are allowed to discuss. This is a ridiculous claim. So, here are 4 reasons why PorcFest is alive and kicking. Can you come up with more?


Why the Free State Project Expelled Christopher Cantwell

This past week the Free State Project (FSP) made the news again and, as usual, not in the best way. The FSP board of trustees voted to expel a member – blogger and activist Christopher Cantwell – from the organization for violating the policy against promoting violence.

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The FBI Wants to Infiltrate the Free State Project

An FBI agent with the New Hampshire Joint Terrorism Task Force is recruiting activists to inform on Free State Project members. That’s what activist Pete Eyre says in the above video, released by Cop Block yesterday. Keene police brought marijuana activist Rich Paul to an interrogation room yesterday where FBI agent Phil Christiana asked him […]

Libertarian Opinion

The Free State Project is NOT “Open Source”

The FSP (Free State Project) is an open source solution for how to achieve more liberty. – Carla Gericke New Free State Project (FSP) “president” Carla Gericke posted on Facebook today that the FSP is an open source project, or something. That is simply false. An open source project can admittedly take many forms but […]


PorcFest in the Hole $10,000, says Organizer – Sponsors Sought

The Free State Project strikes again. PorcFest in the hole $10,000.


No FSP inc Meeting Minutes or Budgets for 2 Years

The Free State Project inc appears to be in disarray after canceling its flagship event, Liberty Forum.