This past weekend in the Philadelphia suburb of Willow Grove, eight courageous liberty activists nullified a suspicionless sobriety checkpoint. I interview Jim Babb, one of the participants.

This past weekend in the Philadelphia suburb of Willow Grove, eight courageous liberty activists nullified a suspicionless sobriety checkpoint. I interview Jim Babb, one of the participants.
”ŽI know first hand some people who were friended by [redacted] and were then attacked for saying the wrong thing. Now I’m not talking about George’s run in or my own. I’m talking about non-activists, lets say those who are at the starting point of walking down the road to where we are. In two […]
Some excessively simple folks at Reddit are saying Jeremy did not behave himself nicely enough. He was too terse and didn’t say please and thank you enough. What fools. One lucky case does not mean the cops are our buddies. Did you not see how the other cop failed to receive the “Code 4” (i.e., […]
Prepare to be shocked by this Frontline documentary.
Forget ‘privatization.’ Let’s talk about mutualization! It’s more just and more accurate.
It’s encouraging to see a community come out in opposition to police. Why does it take extreme tactics like kettling and choke holds to produce this kind of response? Speaking for myself, I feel that school conditioned me to not stand out. When I stood out for intelligence, I was put down by fellow students. […]
Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.
Imagine your friend engages you in a venture to feed the homeless. You must help me, he says. You promise to do so. On the first day of feeding the hungry, your friend steals their booze, cigarettes and drugs. It’s only right, he says, since there’s no sense in feeding people who are killing themselves. […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 102, I read and critiqued Chapter 12 (“The Public Sector, III: Police, Law, and the Courts”) of Murray Rothbard’s “For a New Liberty“. [PDF] In Chapter 12 of “For a New Liberty,” Murray Rothbard makes a less compelling case for market-based defense and dispute resolution than, for example, […]
I am sorry I have not previously mustered the courage or motivation to post an update. Frankly, I was frightened out of my wits for some time after I was arrested in Allentown, Pennsylvania on May 11 of this year. Only recently have I started to feel something approaching normal again. The original charge that […]