
Why I am Specifically a Voluntaryist

Voluntaryism is easy to grasp. It says that all interactions among people must be voluntary, i.e., without aggression. This is Ayn Rand without the psychological repression, the judgmentalism and the fake statism weakly glued on. This is anarcho-capitalism, without any hint of state capitalism. This is free market anarchism. This is left libertarianism. This is […]


“Anarchy Comes From Evil” – Day 1 of the Campaign for Liberty NE Conference

The first day of the Campaign for Liberty’s Northeast Regional Conference was a blast. As mentioned before, I am renting a table in the exhibitor room, where there are a lot of warm and interesting people with projects I want to get behind. Like DelValley Silver, a silver-based barter network that doesn’t try to rip […]


A Day in the Life of John Q Public – New Versions

I‘ve created two new and hopefully better versions of the John Q Public story. The short one fits nicely on both sides of a 5.5″ x 8.5″ piece of paper for public distribution. The longer one may be helpful as a menu from which you can pick and choose when designing your own version. If […]

Libertarian Opinion

A Day in the Life of John Q. Public

John gets up at 6 AM and fills his coffee pot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and pure because he bought a reverse osmosis filtration system to clean out the lead, iron, sediment, viagra and prozac that comes in from the local government water monopoly. His Daily Medication With […]


How to Improve my Statist Deconversion Tactics?

Can we take Mr Obama at his word? Are the right’s criticisms of his planned attack on the health care industry invalid just because they have no basis in current bills? Can we trust that today’s power grab won’t enable unexpected future abuses? That’s what a friend of mine implied when they posted a link […]


Is it Moral to Use Assets Brought into Existence by Aggression?

Is it morally acceptable to use assets that result from aggression? I’m talking about things paid for by taxes or caused to come into existence by government regulations. That’s the question I debated with Ian of Free Keene yesterday (starting at comment #81912). Ian argued that things like cable-access channels and public squares exist and […]


Kostric’s Poster An Enormous Tactical Mistake

While I will defend to the death William Kostric’s exercise of his rights to free speech, voluntary association and the bearing of arms (even all at the same time!) and I applaud his fortitude, I have to disapprove of his tactics in this particular case. The combination of firearm and a call to kill tyrants […]


What is the Libertarian Problem?

I‘m talking about solutions, but have I defined the problem? How do you know if the solution works for you if you haven’t explicitly identified the problem it’s meant to solve? We’ve got to keep that horse in front of the cart. Short and Simple: Aggression Some people think the ends justify the means. They […]


Idea: A Series of Videos in Which Voluntaryists Narrate Their Evolutions. Your Turn. :D

Update: Jason Talley did this. See his Evolutionaries Project. Link to Yours Here Please post a comment here with a link to your video. Eventually, when we have enough, we can leverage them into a marketing campaign or possibly even a documentary? You never know. I’m psyched to see yours!


The Free Me Project, or Worldwide Open Source Peaceful Evolution

After my move to New Hampshire fell through, I thought, why don’t I just do here what I planned to do in the free state? I considered all those people that are in the same boat as me – aching to work effectively towards liberty but lacking like-minded comrades and, in some cases, even an […]