Arrested for leaving a hotel too slowly? Prosecutor actually prosecutes the case? Witnesses lying? That’s what happened to New-Hampshire-based independent journalist Dave Ridley. Dave was interviewing politicians, as is his wont, at Nashua, New Hampshire’s Radisson hotel when staff and Nashua cops asked him to leave. He complied by walking backwards toward his far-away parking […]
Tag: court
Justice is so rare today. Here we have two Davids who made Goliath stumble, however slightly. Pete Eyre and Ademo Freeman were found NOT GUILTY of the 3 charges that Greenfield, Mass prosecutor Jeffrey Banks tried them on. NOT GUILTY of wiretapping, NOT GUILTY of resisting arrest. Real justice requires that Todd M. Dodge and […]
Laughing in Court Doesn’t Help
The only complaint I have about the behavior of the activists is that they repeatedly laughed aloud in court when the judge, prosecution, or witnesses, said anything disagreeable. To be honest, it was very difficult to contain my own laughter on many occasions, and I will not say that it is “wrong” to laugh at […]

Caged for wearing a hat? Are you kidding me? Nope.
Primary Sources for USA vs George Donnelly
As promised, here are my primary sources for the short film United States of America vs George Donnelly: How US Marshals Framed a Peaceful Photographer. I apologize for the delay. I’m working on getting even more information and hope to release it soon. Here is the raw video footage from my Canon camera. It is […]
In the Albany Times Union, columnist Mark Dalton argues that libertarian control of the government would result in chaos. As right-wing libertarians rolled back state regulation agencies, no one would be left to protect the consumer. Individuals’ only recourse would be to sue. Sue they would, resulting in overflowing courts. Although Dalton doesn’t mention it, […]
Marc Emery is a Canadian man who is now in (US) federal prison for 5 years over his business of selling cannabis seeds to the public. It breaks my heart to see this man in prison. He has harmed no one. There is no victim for the crime he is accused of. In Canada, his […]
I remember the media circus around Colin Powell possibly running for president and what party he would choose. The media built him up as the non-partisan military man of honor who was going to save us. What a joke. He disgraced himself with his lying Iraq war sales pitch but now he’s back actually speaking […]
You’re going to like this guy. After 30 years of unmolested enjoyment of a swimming hole, cops crack down with trespassing charges for dozens of peaceful swimmers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Despite the state’s failure to prove their charges, the gentleman in the film was found guilty. He appealed and finally was vindicated. Check out this […]
I am sorry I have not previously mustered the courage or motivation to post an update. Frankly, I was frightened out of my wits for some time after I was arrested in Allentown, Pennsylvania on May 11 of this year. Only recently have I started to feel something approaching normal again. The original charge that […]