The prominence of the state is a measure of its level of control, not our dependence.
Do Libertarians Depend on the State?

The prominence of the state is a measure of its level of control, not our dependence.
Networked mutual aid is our defensive shield.
Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.
Libertarian firefighters are more flexible and subject to market incentives.
Yet everything seems to be ok, right? We’re still here, aren’t we? Sure, everything seems to be fine for me, as far as I know. But how would I know if radiation poisoning from these 2,053 nuclear explosions (plus the ones in the last 12 years) has affected me and mine? Here are some facts […]
Over at C4SS’ Stateless U in ATP 101 we’re reading The Market for Liberty. Here are my comments on one of the discussion questions. “Is restitution preferable to retribution? Why or why not?” An arrangement for the resolution of disputes that focuses on restitution is more effective than one that makes as its goal the […]
This video is one big can of State FAIL, on too many levels to name. First, the newscaster frames the issues for us in a way that de-emphasizes the overwhelming power and brutality of the state. This is a clash between the needs of immigrants and the need of a state to maintain order, we’re […]
Nonviolence, argues Dr Michael Nagler in the above talk (well worth its 46 minutes), always makes things better, even when we who practice it get hurt or killed. I have to agree. For the more skeptical, think of it this way: at least it’s not making things worse. Consider this: in India, where nonviolent resistance […]
Now that you’ve started practicing agorism – the idea that by trading outside the purview of the state we can bring about complete liberty – it’s time to consider how you’ll continue doing it. This is no small matter to be overlooked or pooh-poohed. It’s easy to start a new project, but not always so […]
What would you do if the government forcibly took your 3-week-old baby from you based on an anonymous (and false) charge that you were neglecting the baby? And, nine months later, when the government finally agreed with you, what would you do if a judge denied the return of your baby to you, saying that […]