
Are Libertarians Too Selfish? (TAOL 0012)

In episode 12 of The Art of Liberty Podcast, John and I talk about whether or not libertarians use an excessive amount of self-centered language and talking points to sell the ideas of libertarianism. John is responding to a video I made a couple weeks agoarguing that instead of telling people that taxation is wrong because it’s MY money, we should instead take the tack that we are better stewards of our resources than the government is. An exciting conversation that gets tense at times. Give it a listen.


Are you Sure you Legally Owe Taxes? This Video Will Surprise You.

This video is very revealing, in a legal way. It’s from Marc Stevens, radio show host and dedicated legal researcher. He dissects the law in a very foundational way, without assumptions and without any undue reverence for it. Are you, as various governments claim, a taxpayer? Can the government legally prove this? You aren’t going […]


What’s in Your Bill of Responsibilities?

Talking about your rights doesn’t resonate. Shift the paradigm.

Libertarian Opinion

I am Powerful and I Will Never Give Up

An inspirational manifesto for those brought low by the state.

Agorism Libertarian

How to Start Doing Agorism

Six years on, I wrote 5 Reasons Why Agorism is a Failed Strategy. The million-dollar question – how do we start doing agorism? We’re convinced the right way out of this tyrannous morass is to starve the bastards out by trading outside of their purview. We’re giving up on voting in their sham elections. We’re […]

Libertarian Opinion

A Day in the Life of John Q. Public

John gets up at 6 AM and fills his coffee pot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and pure because he bought a reverse osmosis filtration system to clean out the lead, iron, sediment, viagra and prozac that comes in from the local government water monopoly. His Daily Medication With […]


How to Improve my Statist Deconversion Tactics?

Can we take Mr Obama at his word? Are the right’s criticisms of his planned attack on the health care industry invalid just because they have no basis in current bills? Can we trust that today’s power grab won’t enable unexpected future abuses? That’s what a friend of mine implied when they posted a link […]

Get Active Opinion

Ian of Keene Leads the Way to Peaceful Evolution

Here is an op that appears to be entirely consistent with the peaceful evolution concept I talked about a couple days ago. The little dictators dba The Government in Keene, NH demanded that Ian Freeman (of Free Talk Live) pay them $2,700 FRN for the privilege of continued possession of his house. Leveraging the Robbery […]

Libertarian Opinion

Should We Just Cave to Government Demands?

Jay4Liberty, an online acquaintance, said the other day that he happily forked over his tax payments knowing it would keep him out of jail and couldn’t give a damn about the consequences. Upon questioning, he confirmed that he did not care one iota about the death and destruction reigned down on innocents courtesy of his […]


Now THAT is a Stimulus I Can Believe in!

Steve over at Delaware Libertarian is a proposing a stimulus package that actually has a chance to work: end taxes. Since the US government funds deficits with debt anyway, what’s the point in wasting money on all the administrative costs of collecting taxes? Just print more money, and let the people keep that 20-50 per […]