Prepare to be shocked by this Frontline documentary.

Prepare to be shocked by this Frontline documentary.
Better to make victims whole than punish offenders.
This video is one big can of State FAIL, on too many levels to name. First, the newscaster frames the issues for us in a way that de-emphasizes the overwhelming power and brutality of the state. This is a clash between the needs of immigrants and the need of a state to maintain order, we’re […]
You’re going to like this guy. After 30 years of unmolested enjoyment of a swimming hole, cops crack down with trespassing charges for dozens of peaceful swimmers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Despite the state’s failure to prove their charges, the gentleman in the film was found guilty. He appealed and finally was vindicated. Check out this […]
I am sorry I have not previously mustered the courage or motivation to post an update. Frankly, I was frightened out of my wits for some time after I was arrested in Allentown, Pennsylvania on May 11 of this year. Only recently have I started to feel something approaching normal again. The original charge that […]
Thank you so much to everyone who noted my disappearing by federal agents and took steps to aid me. I am blessed and grateful to have such dear friends and comrades. Thank you. I will post more when I can. I’m currently recuperating from the relatively mild torture tactics deployed against me (and many other […]
This week Julian Heicklen is expanding his jury rights pamphleteering tour to New Jersey, multiple locations in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Today Jim Babb and I joined him at the federal district courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey. We were only minimally hassled and managed to hand out 200 pamphlets before we retired to lunch. Tomorrow we’ll […]
Our pamphleteering got off to a quiet start yesterday. Not one of the 17 state officers that poked and prodded us three weeks ago was visible. Apparently a memo came down ordering them to tolerate our peaceful public education effort. Our numbers increased to nine and veteran activists Julian Heicklen and Jim Babb brought more […]
Activists educate. Thugs intimidate. Find out who wins.
This morning I filed a complaint with Plymouth police. I don’t get the impression they take it very seriously. Do you? Here’s a description of the incident that I am complaining about. Yes, it happened three months ago but better than never! Here is the video on YouTube as well, in case Vimeo is not […]