Ask me how you can get coverage for your liberty activism too.
Free Keene Gets TV Coverage

Ask me how you can get coverage for your liberty activism too.
When a gesture of respect is made mandatory, it becomes an act of submission.
Caged for wearing a hat? Are you kidding me? Nope.
Ian Freeman and other Free Keene activists were arrested for peacefully assembling on state-owned property in Cheshire county, New Hampshire. Ian is facing almost a month in jail for trespassing on public property. How did this happen? It’s a new jail and the warden feels the need to keep his perimeter secure. Protesters intimidate visitors, […]
Check out these gentleman who want to plant hemp crops without being harassed by the DEA. They planted hemp right on the lawn of a DEA building. This is brilliant, and reminiscent of Jesse’s public gardening op in Keene, New Hampshire. I love how they did this op – who wants to repeat it? Hemp […]
Since my move to New Hampshire fell through, I’ve been occupied with furnishing my house, fighting weird allergic reactions, completing my involvement in planning my high school 20th reunion, recuperating from being ill with possibly the swine flu and otherwise getting my family and myself settled into our new lives in North America. I had […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UPDATE May 1: Here is the final release. Please use this one. Download the PDF version of Press Release: Exercising Right to Remain Silent Lands Video Journalist in Jail Indefinitely here. Keene, N.H., April 30, 2009 – Video journalists in Iran aren’t the only ones at risk for due process violations. That’s […]
I am proud of the Not-So-Disorderly Seven. I am proud of Sam Dodson and the whole Keene crew. I am so proud to be able to say that soon I will join them in defending the nonviolent society and exposing the fraud that goes by the name of “The Government”. And here’s why: Sam followed […]
A friend of mine who recently turned on to liberty and the voluntary society wrote to ask me about the “Not-So-Disorderly Seven” that were arrested or given summons yesterday at Keene NH district court. The Keeniacs have so much going on that his confusion is understandable! Can you give a little background on where this […]
Liberty-lovers moving to New Hampshire with the Free State Project were busy this week producing TV and radio shows, organizing the annual Porcupine Freedom Festival (June 25-28) and much more. If you’re on Facebook, fan the Free State Project to get regular updates on your Facebook homepage. Three IT jobs in NH listed at the […]